• How will I know if my order has shipped?

We’ll tell you! Once your order ships, the delivery method, estimated arrival date and other tracking details (if available) will be provided in your shipment confirmation email.

  • Are Payments Secure?

ABSOLUTELY YES. At this time, we accept payment via Paypal (both Paypal account and Credit Card) which is one of the most secured online payment gateway in order for you to make payment through internet. 

  • I’ve not received my order, what should I do?

If you have not received your order, then please contact us at support@bigbrotherclothing.com and we will work to correct the problem as soon as possible.

  • Do you ship to my home address or I need go somewhere to pick it up?

We will deliver your order to your home directly. So please put in the correct shipping address where you are convenient to get the parcel.

Once it is shipped, you will get a confirmation email including a tracking number. All of our express companies are reputable all over the world such as USPS. 

  • How secure is my personal information? 

If you’ve found a coupon code on a site other than ours, most likely it’s fake. The only place we list our coupons is through our email newsletter. Check out our website for updated promotion period to get coupons. 

  • I have other questions. 

No problem! Email us at support@bigbrotherclothing.com and we’ll be happy to help you out.

  • Why was my order canceled?

Every order is unique so reasons for cancellations and delays vary. We strive to keep merchandise status up-to-date but occasionally there are situations when an item may be out of stock and not evident until the fulfillment process. This can be due to damaged items, high order volume, etc.

Your order may have been canceled due to declined by our security verification system. They can be, but not limited to:

-Quantity of items ordered

-The address and telephone number you provided for your credit card account does not match what your bank has on file

-You are shipping your order to an address other than your billing address.

  • Do you restock items that are sold out?

Absolutely, we restock most of our items. If you see any items that have not been yet restocked for a long time, simply alert us by emailing us at support@bigbrotherclothing.com.

  • How much does shipping cost?

We offer USPS (4-8 business days). A flat US $4.99 fee per each order.

  • I just submitted an order/offer. How long will it take to hear back?
  1. Fixed Price: As soon as you hit the ‘Place Order’ button we start processing your order. We work with the boutique/designer to get things ready and will send email confirmation shortly after.
  2. Make an Offer: As operation hours vary for the boutiques and designers, we will contact you as soon as an offer has been reviewed and either accepted, rejected, or countered. If you have questions, you can always email support@bigbrotherclothing.com and we’ll be happy to help in any way we can.
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